Tuesday, 27 March 2007


Well, I feel much better today. First day back at school syndrome perhaps... It's not that work was better today, I still felt like getting in the lift and escaping out into the real world, but I think I just talked myself into acepting it. Not sure if this is a good thing or not, but it's what I'm doing. Hmmm.

So when I got home from work, instead of collapsing on the sofa and letting myself deflate, I ignored the voice in my head saying 'put on the telly, watch Hollyoakes, eat some crisps/cake/chocolate, have a little sleep' and just sat at the table to DRAW. Now the drawings were wobbly and I'm sure would be better if I'd been chilling in the park in the sun all day (like all the students I can see from my office window... grrr), but I stuck at it. I'm trying to take Amisha's advice and get into a bit of a routine, do a little bit of something every night. Well, here's what I made...

They're for an exhibition in a cafe in Hastings (if they get in!), just a little something. They don't look great in this photo, and they're not mounted or anything yet. They are only tiny, about 5 x 3 inches. I chose the pages by the words on them...

I'd done a few when I realised that although some pages had the relevant words on, they also had other words on too. Did you know forrest was next to foreskin in the dictionary?! Perhaps not ideal!

Am going to get some frames tomorrow then off they go in the post...


tiffany... said...

have i mentioned how much i love love love these? beautiful trees... oh, so very beautiful! (i'm gushing... but, how can i not?)

amisha said...

good for you! the trees are so lovely... i am gushing with tiffany! and so happy that you were able to do this after the long work day (i feel that student envy too often... don't they look so carefree? :) )