I must admit though, that spending more time on etsy again has awoken that self doubt that I'm sure we all get when looking at lots and lots of beautiful things and reading about the clever people that make them and that seem to be able to successfully run their businesses and their lives. I know it's silly to think this. I know I just need to get on with what I'm doing... because there's a fine line between being inspired by other people's work and the feeling of 'I might as well just go home then, whats the point'. I know it's just because I'm not really satisfied with the amount of time I get to spend at the moment on developing my work, my ideas, on making things. I know I just need to be patient and stop complaining.
So I will.
These are Beautiful, have no doubts.
I feel like that too sometimes and I know plenty of creative people who whisper of their self-doubt. There are lots and lots of beautiful things out there but there are right here on your blog too.
I could say lots here but I think I'll save it for a blog post cos i've got too much to say! It's an emotional subject...
Don't fret
I share your feeling exactly! In fact your work does that to me sometimes ;) So no wise words from me because I am fairly certain I can't telly you anything new. Just don't give up what brings you pleasure.
I endlesly adore the white feather book
Oh no!! Sorry Liesan! I guess we all have these moments :) Your advice is good advice, pleasure can be forgotten sometimes cant it...
And can't wait to read your post Loulou, 'dont fret' is also very good advice! Comforting words
Thank you both :)
I can't remember where I saw it, but I once read something to the effect that the people who don't worry about their competence are the ones who are probably not terribly good at what they're doing. And I know people like that personally...
As for the business end, image is everything. I'll bet anything that a lot of those "successful" people are probably not even breaking even, or only just. A sad truth.
This, of course, in no way means I don't struggle with my own insecurity! I feel a lot of sympathy.
Yes! I sympathize,too. Definitely go through cycles of being motivated, and spending a lot of time on etsy, and then crash! Something starts gnawing at my confidence, and I lose interest (or I get overwhelmed with teaching and taking care of a family!) But don't ever doubt that your work is beautiful!!
I so know this feeling...I'm just coming out of something similar. You get into a slump and don't make anything for a while. Then you question whether or not you should even start up again.
Hang in there - your work is lovely!
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