Thursday 30 August 2007

veggie update

Well I spent a bit of time at the vegetable patch last week. I'm ashamed to say it's been pretty neglected this year, and what with the summer never really happening and lots of lots of rain there are a LOT of nettles and not much else...

But there were a few surprises amongst the stings...

A cabbage seems to have survived the chickens and rabbits and slugs and floods

And a surprise squash (surprise because the ink washed off the label and it could be any one of 4 types...)

But one thing that seems to have really thrived in the odd weather conditions is the garlic. Some have rotted, but the majority have turned into huge garlicky lumps of loveliness (and considering last year when all the tiny bulbs I grew tasted vaguely of grass. hmm)

Although I'm not sure what's going on here!? Looks a bit like a bird to me...

Anyway, I'm off on holiday again next week (a proper holiday this time!) To a quiet cottage on the coast, so I'm hoping to get in a bit of this...

(They're sunbathing by the way. Have you seen chickens sunbathing before? Oh, they love it :) So have a good week, I'll be back on the 10th)


Clara said...

I must say that the relaxing, sunbathing chickens are a new one on me, Sarah. Quite an amusing sight...

Sarah said...

Yep, they love to get a bit of sun on their wings!

Jessica said...

I like the one on the left that is lying on the plant, very cute.

amisha said...

have a wonderful time sarah!! and congrats on all the vegetable goodness. ah, fresh garlic... one of my favorite things!