So far so good, but the problem arises, you see, from working in an environment that creates heaps of paper scraps everyday; beautifully square cut scraps from the guillotine, strips of somerset and bockingford and heavy smooth cartridge, offcuts of books like mini books in themselves, and I find it almost impossible to throw any of these things in the bin, because (as the classic line goes) I'll definitely find a use for that...
So, for 8 months, in the draw they've gone...
And today was the day I had to sort it all out, because for at least a month now the draw has refused to close :)
To make myself feel better about having to get rid of all my lovely stash (well, I say all, if only that were all... I still have a shelf full, and a wardrobe or two full in my house, oh, and some boxes under the starirs, but you never know when you might need a nice bit of paper do you :) )
Anyway, to make myself feel better about all that stuff I couldn't use I re-purposed some boxes that had been sitting around into... well, more boxes, but boxes that will be very useful indeed.
The problem is, now it's occured to me that I can actually make boxes to any size I like, my box collection* looks set to grow rapidly...
*yes, there's a box collection, surely you're not surprised :)
that surely is mad as a bag (or box) of badgers
I collect cardboard boxes, but each time my mum visits, she insists on cleaning up and tries to throw those away.
quite obviously, this does not make me happy.
xx fanny
I love containers of any sort... boxes, paper bags, carrying bags, purses, bottles...
LOVE these Sarah!!!
Please tell me there is a tutorial somewhere for those amazing boxes!!!
I must have some!
Ah yes, boxes... my particular love is shoe boxes. Perfect for all those little scraps of fabric I will use someday. And threads, and buttons, and I could go on. I like to cover them in lovely paper though as they come pre-decorated and with one exception, not to my taste. However, the papering part is slow to actually get done.... sigh....
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