I'm a bit envious actually, he's getting rid of all sorts of things and I've had to stop myself from saying 'oh no, lets keep that!' or 'you're not selling that are you, let me have a look at it'. In fact I had to banish myself from the room at one point after claiming an old road atlas with fold out pages and an old dictionary. It's that old thing of 'well, I'll definitely use that one day...' I can't pass up any source of free paper... I think I need to take a leaf out of his book and have a good old tidy out though, I daren't even open my wardrobe at the moment (hmmm, do you think it will happen?!)

Anyway. These (rather rubbish, where's the day light gone these days?) photos are of some bags I made for a friend at work. There are fifteen of them, for her son who is just learning to count. The idea is she will hand him a bag without saying the number and ask him to fill it with the right amount of objects (I suppose she will use sweets or some kind of incentive!) That way he will have to recognise the number and also practice the counting. I think it's a great idea!

I quite enjoyed designing and making them for her, it made a nice difference to just pleasing my self, a bit of a challenge. I'm especially pleased with the way the numbers and letters turned out, I used felt with bondaweb and I think they look lovely and crisp. She seemed to like them anyway, I just hope her son feels the same way!
Sarah, these are *so* cute. What a fun thing to make!
(Have you thought about an Etsy shop?)
What a great idea! Oh I understand about the clean vs. clutter problem... I'm going to turn part of my room (the messier part) into a studio this weekend... hopefully no more clutter!
Well good luck with the studio Anna, I'm envious! My room is only just big enough for my bed...
And Riverlark, I have thought about a shop, but I keep procrastinating and i'm a bit scared!
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