Wednesday 8 August 2007


Matt has had the computer with him at work for the last few days, so that's why I've been quiet...

But really I think if I had been able to write something here it probably would've been complaints. Because I'm not sure what's wrong with me at the moment. I feel a bit like I'm trying to walk through treacle or something. Like everything is taking longer than it should.

My head just seems to be full of lists; lists of things to do today, things to do tomorrow; lists of things to buy and make and finish; places to go, jobs to do phone calls to make... And it's all on tiny scraps of paper scattered about, upstairs and downstairs and in various handbags...

So yesterday night collected all the lists and wrote everything on one big bit of paper. Everything I could possibly think of. And it does look like lots of stuff but it felt good to get it all in one place.

And actually, looking at it now, it's not that bad really, seeing everything together had made me realise there's probably not as much in my head as I thought (hmmm... drama queen?) I just need to deal with everything one step at a time, in fact somethings don't really need dealing with at all, just remembering... perhaps I just need to pull myself together! You know, I spend all day at work sorting things out, being extra organised, prioritising my work load and generally getting stuff done... If only I could transfer those skills to my real life...

Anyway, I'm going to go and mess around in the garden, plant some seeds or something and stop my head whirring...

Oh, and the peppers and chillies are ripening in all this sun, I wonder if they'll be spicy...


tiffany... said...

our lives are sort of parallel...
clayton has my computer and i feel a bit at lost...
gardening has been the thing to get me through the hot hot days (and a little sewing). your vegetables look so lovely! i can't wait for my peppers to look like yours!

Sarah said...

It's funny isn't it, I feel a bit disconnected with out the computer! But gardening is a good antidote to that, connected in a different way :)

amisha said...

those pepper photos are so lovely sarah.
i know that feeling of having so many lists scattered all about... i always jot important things on tiny bits of paper and it feels good to get it all together! i am finding it so hard to concentrate in this summer heat. hope that you found some peace of mind in the garden.

Sarah said...

Thanks Amisha, I went on a nice walk in the woods to cool down, I'm feeling much better today!

Catherine said...

I know that feeling you are talking about exactly, when there is so much in your head and you feel like you have so much to do. Sometimes even little things can become a big deal. I hope you can get through your list. I love your peppers they look fantastic, and i bet they will taste so great.