Thursday, 27 August 2009


Does anyone else feel guilty when they relax? At the moment I feel as if there's always something I should be doing, and sitting still makes me worry I've forgotten something...

I think it's partly because it's quiet at work, but I know that in a few weeks its going to be really really busy, and I'm nervously trying to get done everything I want to do before that happens. And I think it's partly because there's still so much to do on the house, but no jobs that I can really do on an evening after work, there's not enough time. All the jobs I could do can't be done until other jobs are done, and they in turn are waiting on something else... it's like a giant puzzle, one that involves putting your life on hold to complete... But, we're laying the floor in the living room this weekend (hopefully) so that means soon we will have sofas to sit on and a fire to burn stuff in, I'm excited about that!

I finished the feather print I was working on last week, and the grey definitely was the way to go. I ended up coming up with an alternative print too, on some lovely grey somerset paper. I've put them in the shop...

The more my feather collection grows (is it gross to have a feather collection?) the more I want to draw them, all of them on a big sheet of paper, they're all so slightly different, I'm fascinated. When I get my big table back out, it's the first thing I'm going to do.


Sara Bowen said...

Yes, yes, yes! I do know what you mean. I've been trying REALLY hard to squash that whole feeling guilty thing, with some success, in the hopeful belief that the world will be a much better place with a happy me in it. Good luck with laying the floor, and may you thoroughly enjoy your sofas and fire afterwards! ps. I too have a feather collection...

Gina said...

Beautiful feather prints. Enjoy the time to relax!

Paper Chipmunk (aka Ellen) said...

In your case, I would say that you've definitely earned the right to a little down time. I struggle with the guilt thing too. However, I've also come to believe that working to the point of physical and mental exhaustion is overrated. And, remember, creative people have to have time to just be without doing. Without the quieter moments, the brain can't process the input and turn it into inspiration.

PS Love the feathers--especially the fact that they are corvids!

Carol said...

I have a feather collection and someone very dear to me says they are gross but I don't care. I think it's pretty well illegal to have feathers of native birds in Australia but I can't really see why I can't pick up a feather after the bird has disposed of it. I wish I could draw as well as you do so my feathers would have a legitimate use but they just stay stored in boxes and I'm the only person who sees them.