Monday, 4 January 2010


First day back at work after a peaceful week away. I think I needed that. Time to think and to do all the little things I never seem to have time to do. I still don't find it easy working long days, especially in winter, there's only time to take my shoes off and cook tea before it's bed time it seems. Anyway.

Time away is good isn't it, a fresh start of sorts. And a new year. This year new years eve was the best I've ever had I think, home made pizza and watching far off fire works stood outside in the snow. Back inside to a roaring stove. And it's my birthday tomorrow, I'm 27. I think its the first year I've felt older. Not in a bad way, just in a life won't last forever kind of way, a what should I do with the rest of it kind of way. The first year I've felt I no longer have time to do everything. I should start making some choices.

And I've been working on some screen prints today. A bird one and the moon one again. Printing white onto a darker background is not really technically correct, and although I like the way this one looks, I wanted to see if I could wrap my head round doing it the other way round...

Lots of ideas floating round my head, I hope I can stop procrastinating long enough to see them through. I want to.

3 comments: said...

Happy Birthday little bird!

Gina said...

Happy birthday Sarah! You are the same age as my eldest son so imagine how old I feel... and I still want to do everything!

Mary Lee said...

Happy birthday, LPB! I'm a Capricorn, too!