Wednesday, 13 January 2010


It's still snowing. Half melted and turned to ice and then snowing again.

And I've been doing some more moon prints. I printed the colours on the first print from dark to light and technically this is the wrong way round. The inks I'm using are water based and not opaque so lighter colours fade when printed over darker ones, which isn't great, it can make the colours look really weak. I actually like the way this looks in the moon print, nice and subtle, but decided I wanted to push myself to work it out the correct way too...

I wanted to use the white of the paper for the white in the moon, then print progressively darker shades of grey over the top. Because a darker shades covers the lighter one before it completely it makes it slightly easier to register the layers (or at least it covers up small registration mistakes!) and I think the colours definitely look more vibrant and true.

I'm not sure if I like it though... it looks flatter, the areas of tone look more separated out. Almost cartoony. I know that screen prints are flat; that that's kind of the point of them, but still. I think it's partly my colour choices too though, not subtle enough, the tones need to be closer together...

Better, but now I feel like I want to print about five shades of grey to get the detail right. I wish I had more time for experimentation. Perhaps an aquatint moon?? Oo yes.


Yvette said...

Oh I love them, they're simply stunning!

Gina said...

Lovely prints!

Sara Bowen said...
