I think I may have a hoarding problem... Yesterday, whist trying to put away my new Christmas things, I found not one more thing could possibly fit in my cupboard and I suddenly realised I didn't know what was taking up the space, what was lurking at the back of my wardrobe? (A common problem I'm sure!) I decided to investigate...
I found, amongst other things; 1 bag of used envelopes, 2 large carrier bags full of toilet roll middles, 3 boxes of guillotine off cuts and all of last years Christmas wrapping paper neatly folded and forgotten about for ever more.
Why do I feel the need to keep all this stuff? Hmmm.
Anyway, today I made this book from some of the off cuts and other junk I found stashed in an alternative cupboard at work...

The cover is slightly faded black buckram (although the silly light in my living room had made it look all brown) with black and white end bands...
The endpapers are cut from a mono print I made a while back; an experiment with ink and oil and degreaser. I was trying to recreate the patterns that form when these three things mix, here most of the ink was repelled by the degreaser and the roller left a shadow of where I'd cleaned the plate with a cloth...
Its 5x4 inches, palm size. A few cutting mistakes (when will I learn that if I don't cut something square at the start that it still won't be square at the end? And when will I learn not to use the stanley knife free hand?!) but it could have been a lot worse. Now I just need to think of something to write in it (perhaps a list of the new things I've stashed at the back of my wardrobe...)