Thursday, 19 April 2007

an observation

A pair of lifts take me each day to my office on the 8th floor (sometimes I walk, but I must admit it's not often, 8 floors seems like nothing at the bottom but by the 5th you're thinking 'three more floors? three more floors!' So I tend to take the lazy option, rubbish I know.)

Anyway... today I realised that one lift is a girl and the other a boy! So I went in some other lifts in the university and it's the same there too!

Is this a world wide phenomenon?


tiffany... said...

what? a boy lift and a girl lift? i've heard of no such thing... hmmm...

amisha said...

i've never seen anything like it... perhaps just at your school? :)

Sarah said...

Perhaps I should say one has a mans voice and one a ladys... they don't have names or anything (or at least I don't think they do!)