So, if any one is in the Leeds area on Monday evenings starting next week, and is interested in bookbinding, then the Bowery in Headingley is the place to be :)
And seen as it's been a busy week and I haven't got much to show for it, it's time for some gratutitous chicken pictures! Taken at the weekend at my parents house, from the top... Cleopatra, Tiger Lilly and Lemony, aren't they lovely ladies? And all looking at me and thinking 'what's that shiny thing shes pointing at me, and more importantly does it despense food...' But no need to worry, they all got some freshly picked blackberries for being such good models :)
They're lovely, especially Lemony. What breed are they, if you know? (I'm a Texas girl, must know everything about livestock...) And I wish I could come to your class! Sounds like fun. (There aren't any around here...)
I was going to write a reply on your blog, then I thought you might not want a massive chicken rant clogging it up. So...
The chickens in my post are cross breeds, Lemony's mum was a Silkie (the non bearded kind) You can just see her feathery feet :) TL is half Old English Game half silky cross (a bit of a mixture) it's a funny combination, because silkies are really broody and OEGs are really teritorial and confident, which makes for determined chickens hiding eggs in the bushes and hatching them without our permission!
I'd join you, if only you were in Cornwall, not leeds! Dropping by here from Ali's. I'm desperate for a course. None nearby... I've just posted on chickens...well, coops actually!
Wish I could be there... I love non adhesive bindings, but then love coptic stitch with hard covers too! Enjoy teaching... don't you love those AHA moments when someone suddenly "gets it"?
Love your description of the chickens, Sarah!
I wish I lived in the Leeds area!! The chickens are gorgeous.
Hello, I discovered your blog a little while ago - I wish I could remember how! Your books are so beautiful, and I'm hoping to buy one in the not too distant future!
Like many of the other people who have left comments, I wish I was nearer Leeds - do you happen to know if there are any upcoming shows / bookbinding workshops in Bristol, or how I would go about finding out?
ha-ha! i think i can make it! what time does it start?
I discovered your blog this week. I like what you're doing and love the chickens. I've got a "thing" about birds and chicks - drawing and painting them.
Why oh why do I live so far from Leeds.
Sarah, I've just caught up on half a dozen of your posts and they're all great. Love the chickens - we have 3 called Marilyn, Tilly Devine and Hennifer, was delighted to see the books you made as a child, and of course am always interested to see what you're making. Best of luck with the teaching, have fun.
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