Monday 26 February 2007

Decisions decisions

Someone who works in my office is going to live and work here...

Imagine! You can go and stay there if you like to walk, it's a Youth Hostle in Ennerdale, Cumbria. No cars, no telly, no phones... Its something she's always wanted to do, and now she is, in less than a month.

It makes me question my decisions in life. Which is the correct path to take? I started my job thinking it would last a month, and 6 months later i'm still here. The thing is it's ok, it pays the bills and the people are all really nice and I can do the job, the question is, is that enough? So now I have the choice to stay on a little bit longer, and I just don't know. You see I know I would only have to get another job soon enough if I left this one. But can you live your life like that? Taking the safe option?

There's things I want to be doing. Working on my art, sewng books, drawing the things growing around me, living my life I suppose. Opportunities I could (should?) be taking. Who knows, i'm sure one day it will all make sense...

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