I just got in from a cold windy walk, and I'm sat at my dining room table looking at this...

My first daffodil of spring! Hurray for spring! (If you're wondering why its here and not in the ground it's because it snapped in the wind... you can't win em all) I'm really looking forward to spring now, it gets to about this time of year and I've just about forgotton that it CAN be light in the evenings and I don't have to always wear 3 t-shirts, a jumper, coat, hat & scarf if I want to leave the house!
The daffodil is in a bottle I found when pullng up some weeds. Years ago the place I was digging was an old mill damn, it's been full of brambles since the mill fell down a century ago, and the ground had just been turned over to make a paddock. This must heve unearthed the bottle, I'm amazed it wasn't crushed under all the diggers, but it survived, semi burried, for me to discover. It's a
Codd bottle, it has a marble as a stopper which is then pushed out and held in the specially shaped neck so the pop can be drunk.

Apparently (according to my aunty who is an expert in these things...) they're quite rare; kids would smash the necks to get at the marbles. What makes it more special to me too is that it has the name of the place I grew up written on the bottom: James Simpson, Hebden Bridge.

I love to think about how it got to be where it was, who threw it there that 100 years ago? Someone who worked in the mill? What would they think now to the industrial smoke filled place they worked becoming a field full of flowers... I love that their rubbish is my treasure, and it makes me think, one day will someone find MY old rubbish and wonder the same thing...