Sunday 30 December 2007


Sometimes, when I'm feeling quiet, I like to look back through my old note books, have a good old read. I like how ideas come back to me, fresh as the day I wrote the words, as if I'd pinned them there.

I used to write notes to myself, specifically to read in the future. I still can't get my head around time passing... 

And sometimes things seem clearer now, things I couldn't understand at the time. They slot into place, and perhaps even make sense. It comforts me, and I try and remember that in time things happening now may fit into place that way too. 

Anyway, this particular note book I was looking through the other day is from about 5 years ago. An unhappy and unsure time in my life, I was doing a lot of traveling backwards and forwards, feeling disjointed and spread too thin. I was studying on a course that deep down I felt wasn't right, a course I eventually left (and few months of my life that taught me to try and listen to my heart, although thats easier said than done isn't it...) The course made me feel like I didn't have a clue, and I wrote this in my note book...

when you make people feel stupid for not knowing things they start to pretend they do, and then they begin to make others feel stupid in the same way, because they don't know either

And it really rang true to me. (I hope it makes sense outside the context of my head...) I want to keep this in mind when I go back to work next week. I think its sometimes hard to remember that just because you know something inside out, that others may not. I think this is especially important in an educational establishment, where people are there to learn, and I don't ever want to make someone feel stupid for not knowing something...

And its sunny today.


Riverlark said...

There are some good thoughts here, Sarah! Your last one is really true, but I've also learned that something that doesn't make *any* sense at one point can definitely become clearer with time. If only I could learn a little patience....

Nellig said...

How true.

I like the generous spirit behind your blog. And your work's already inspired me to sign up for a monoprinting course.

Thanks for showing us what you've done and what's going through your mind.

Sarah said...

Yes, a little patience indeed! Perhaps that comes with time too :)

And Nellig, you're very welcome! I'm so pleased you've been inspired, good luck with your course, I'm sure you'll have a great time; mono printing is a lot of fun!